Friday, July 02, 2010

The Friendly Spot

Or What I love about Lavaca part XXIV

Late last fall, a new watering hole opened in our neighborhood. Actually, technically it's not Lavca but King William, which with Lavaca = Southtown. The Friendly Spot is the perfect place for this 'hood. It's an ice house, otherwise known as a bar. But why so special? It has a playground. A playground in a bar you say? Well, in England, a playground at a pub is not that unusual. Indeed, the local watering hole is also the local community gathering spot, and with community comes kids.

Since it opened, despite the freezing winter, The Friendly Spot has become the center of the neighborhood. It's simple, outdoor bars, big shady pecan trees, lots of room for kids to run and a fenced playground. As one of the owners has a 5 year old and one on the way, this was genius. A place for kids to play and parents to socialize. With good food too. At any time, you can wander over and you're bound to see a neighbor or other kids for yours to join in play. Very important when you have an uber-social 4 year old desperate for other kids.

A couple of weeks ago we enjoyed The Friendly Spot with our good friend Dawn who came to town with her daughter Lily, born a month after Lenaïc, to see her sister Amy and her new nephew Kenny.

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