Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Ike vs. Angelina - which Hurricane would win?

That dot at 2pm Sat is San Antonio. Ike is on his way. I've been busy working in the emergency operations center dealing with evacuations from the coast - and a constant shift in Ike's path, so we don't know where to evacuate. Of course the plan to evacuate the coast to San Antonio is interesting, given Ike's current path....

Time to get all that stuff out in the yard put away!

But sometimes Hurricanes are good luck, at least for us. The last time we had two hurricanes in a row (Katrina then Rita), Angelina was um, "created" ;). Perhaps that explains why she's her own little Category 4 Hurricane.

On a more serious note, Haiti and Cuba need a break. Fay, Hanna, Gustav, now Ike. I'm trying to figure out the best way to help, since we can't go there physically and do much. So many aid organizations, just need to find the right one.

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